Welcome to my website

My name is Corbinian Schlosser, I am currently a Postdoc at INRIA Paris in the SIERRA Team.

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a close-up of a road


my name is Corbi. On my website, you mostly find information about my work.

Here are a few personal details. I like to play ultimate frisbee, chess and go biking. I am curious about good books and enjoy reading them.


I grew up in Weingarten - a small city in Germany. In 2012 I began my studies in Ulm. In 2019 I graduated from the University of Ulm (M.Sc.) and the University Innsbruck (Dipl. Ing.). In 2020 I had the chance to join the POEMA network in which I began a PhD at LAAS Toulouse under the supervision of Milan Korda and Pierre Weiss. From May to September 2023, I was visiting the network and optimization group at CWI in Amsterdam and IBM Dublin. In July 2023, I joined the SIERRA team at INRIA Paris. My supervisors here are Francis Bach and Alessandro Rudi.

My scientific interests lie in the interplay between dynamical systems, functional analysis, and optimization. The central objects/fields that appear in my work are notably the Koopman and Perron-Frobenius operator, occupation measures, and polynomial optimization. I have an interest in sparsity and its applications towards reducing complexity. 

A few of my favorite quotes

"The Guide says there is an art to flying", said Ford, "or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."

Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

"Les grandes personnes sont bien étranges."

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le petit prince.

"Kein Mensch hat das Recht zu gehorchen."

Hannah Arendt

"Der Mensch ist nur da ganz Mensch, wo er spielt.”

Friedrich Schiller

Feel free to send me an email for collaborations, further information, questions, errors, or suggestions.